US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Ruling Number :
Issuing Country : UNITED STATES
Date Of Issue : 2021-07-22T00:00:00
thermal imaging device
Zeiss Digital Thermal Clip-on Scope (DTC)
The merchandise under consideration is identified as the Zeiss Digital Thermal Clip-on Scope (DTC), which is marketed under model numbers 3/25 and 3/38. You state that these items are virtually identical with the only difference being the objective and focal lengths. The subject device is cylindrical in design with a lens on each end, an internal OLED display and thermal image sensor. The housing is equipped with multiple buttons and dials that allow the user to power on the device, change modes, zoom, and cycle through the internal menu. The DTC is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and is powered by a rechargeable battery.
The subject device is designed to be used as an attachment to a riflescope by hunters to observe animals in the dark and low-light situations. Infrared radiation is imaged by the lens and passed through the sensor, which converts the radiation into an electrical signal that is viewed through the ocular eyepiece on the internal OLED display. You state that it allows the user to switch between normal and thermal optics. We note that the subject DTC does not work in visible light.
Description : thermal imaging device
Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related US Ruling (Cross) is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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