US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Issuing Country : UNITED STATES
Date Of Issue : 2018-07-06T00:00:00
Gabapentin (CAS No. 60142-96-3) in bulk powder form
The tariff classification of Gabapentin (CAS No. 60142-96-3) in bulk powder form, from Italy. Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis agent. It is indicated for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia in adults and as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial seizures in patients over 12 years of age with epilepsy.
Description : Gabapentin in bulk powder form
Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related US Ruling (Cross) is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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