HS Code pour systèmes de distribution de fluide ou de seringue

Produit :
systèmes de distribution de fluide ou de seringue

Exemples de produits pour "systèmes de distribution de fluide ou de seringue"

EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : ROMANIA

Date Of Issue : 20.Jan.2022 - 19.Jan.2025

and the images published in the database), the product is a laboratory equipment that is used for dosing liquids and accurately filling glass syringes

Description auto translated : According to the description of the applicant and the images published in the database), the product is a laboratory equipment that is used for dosing liquids and accurately filling glass syringes. The equipment consists of a complete system for handling (suction, guidance), dilution and semi-automated distribution of fluids (including pipetting and titration) in an analysis laboratory. The system includes a high-precision piping / dosing and dilution pump (syringe pump) regardless of viscosity, vapor pressure and liquid temperature, compatible with a variety of chemicals), one or two universal valves and one or two suction tubes. or fluid dispersion to the syringe, one or two syringes, a display and control device (touchscreen interface), a module for operating the syringes and valves, a manual pipetting tip. The product is a mechanical device with its own function, not specified or included elsewhere in Chapter 84.

Original Description: Conform descrierii solicitantului si imaginilor publicate in baza de date), produsul reprezinta un echipament de laborator ce se utilizeaza pentru dozarea lichidelor și umplerea cu precizie a unor seringi de sticla. Echipamentul consta într-un sistem complet pentru manipulare (aspirare, ghidare), diluare și distribuire semiautomatizata a fluidelor (incluzand pipetare si titrare) in cadrul unui laborator de analize.Sistemul cuprinde o pompa de pipetare /dozare si dilutie (”syringe pump” de precizie ridicată independent de vâscozitatea, presiunea de vapori și temperatura lichidelor, compatibila cu o multitudine de substante chimice), una sau doua valve universale și unul sau doua tuburi pentru aspirarea sau dispersia fluidelor către seringa, una sau doua seringi, un dispozitiv de afisare si control (interfata touchscreen), un modul de actionare a seringilor si valvelor, un varf de pipetare manual.Produsul reprezinta un aparat mecanic cu functie proprie, nedenumit si necuprins in alta parte in capitolul 84.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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