US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Ruling Number :
Issuing Country : UNITED STATES
Date Of Issue : 2003-10-09T00:00:00
leukoreduction system
You have provided a sample of a disposable leukoreduction system for red blood cells, sold under the trade name Leucolab LCG2. The Leucolab LCG2 consists of a spike, transfer line, drip chamber, leukoreduction filter, by-pass tubing and transfer bag. Your letter states that the principal use of the product is to filter and store red blood cells. Since the reduction is accomplished by filtering, it is clear that filtering is the principal function.
Description : leukoreduction system
Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related US Ruling (Cross) is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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