EU Binding Tariff Information
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Date Of Issue : 29.Jun.2016 - 28.Jun.2019
a portable radar system for monitoring and recording golf ball flight paths, featuring built-in X-band and Ka-band antennas, real-time signal processing, Wi-Fi data transmission, digital camera, motorized legs for self-alignment, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, and accompanying software program to display and log data
Description auto translated : The product is in accordance with the description of the enclosed material to a radar system to monitor and record f. example. one golf ball flight path from the tee to the killing. It can also record club battle movement curve. In the item is a built-in radar transmitter at X-band (a frequency in the 10 GHz band), and a transmitter in the Ka-band (two frequencies in the 24 GHz band) antennas and receivers for the two frequencies. There is a special circuit for processing the received signals are continuous ( "real-time"). Data is transmitted via Wi-Fi to a receiver, which can be a smartphone, a tablet or a PC. There is also a digital camera built in to determine the horizon. The product is self-aligning with motorized legs so the equipment is horizontally. It includes a special software program to a PC to display and log data. There is a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, so that the product can be used without access to external power supply. Goods up behind the tee and must point in the direction of the golf ball is expected to move so that the entire curve can be registered. Having described the product is a radar apparatus which during normal radar techniques can continuously display the position of a moving object. The other features are a supplement to the basic function. The product to be classified, therefore, as a whole,.
Original Description: Varen er efter beskrivelsen i det medsendte materiale et radarsystem til at følge og registrere f.eks. en golfbolds flugtkurve fra tee til nedslag. Den kan også registrere kølleslagets bevægelseskurve.
I varen er der indbygget en radarsender i X-båndet (en frekvens i 10 Ghz båndet) og en sender i Ka-båndet (to frekvenser i 24 Ghz båndet) og modtagere med antenner til de to frekvenser. Der er et specielt kredsløb til at behandle de modtagne signaler løbende (”real-time”).
Data transmitteres via Wi-Fi til en modtager, som kan være en smartphone, en tablet eller en PC. Der er også et digitalkamera indbygget til at fastlægge horisonten. Varen er selvoprettende med motoriserede ben så udstyret står horisontalt. Der medfølger et specielt softwareprogram til en PC til at fremvise og logge data. Der er indbygget et genopladeligt litium-ion batteri, så varen kan anvendes uden adgang til ekstern strømforsyning. Varen stilles op bag ved tee-stedet og skal pege i den retning golfbolden forventes at bevæge sig, så hele kurven kan registreres.
Efter beskrivelsen er varen et radar apparat, der ved normal radarteknik løbende kan vise placeringen af et bevægeligt objekt. De øvrige funktioner er supplement til den grundlæggende funktion. Varen tariferes derfor som en helhed.
Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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