HS-Code für Zentraleinheit

Musterprodukte für "Zentraleinheit"

EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : CZECH REPUBLIC

Date Of Issue : 17.Jul.2009 - 16.Jul.2015

a combination water cooler for PC microprocessor, consisting of a pump, rib, and copper tubes with liquid, which transfers heat and cools the microprocessor

Description auto translated : According to the applicant and the documentation submitted is a combination water cooler PC microprocessor.
Combined cooler consists of three parts:
1 / pump, which is its area in direct contact with the upper part and a microprocessor-controlled speed and power from the motherboard according to the temperature of the microprocessor
2 / rib - passive components
3 / copper tubes and cores with liquid. The liquid transfers heat and in the form of steam is diverted into the top of the radiator, where it is cooled by a fan. The water after cooling flows back into the kernel.
Fan not included.
Dimensions: 37.5 x 12 x 15.5 cm (HxWxD).
Weight: about 2 kg.
Import-Export from / to China and Taiwan.

Original Description: Dle údajů žadatele a předložené dokumentace se jedná o kombinovaný vodní chladič mikroprocesoru osobního počítače.
Kombinovaný chladič sestává ze tří částí:
1/ čerpadla, které je svou plochou v přímém kontaktu s horní částí mikroprocesoru a má řízené otáčky i výkon ze základní desky dle teploty mikroprocesoru
2/ žebrování – pasivní částí
3/ měděných trubiček a jádra s kapalinou. Kapalina odvádí teplo a ve formě páry je odváděna do horní části chladiče, kde je ochlazována ventilátorem. Voda po ochlazení stéká zpět do jádra.
Ventilátor není součástí dodávky.
Rozměry: 37,5 x 12 x 15,5 cm (v x š x h).
Hmotnost: cca 2 kg.
Import-Export z/do Taiwan a Čína.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : ROMANIA

Date Of Issue : 28.Apr.2022 - 27.Apr.2025

a computer processor made from semiconductor material, placed on the motherboard, responsible for executing instruction sets by performing arithmetic, logic, or data input/output operations

Description auto translated : According to the description of the applicant and the photo published in the database, the product is a computer processor (also known as a microprocessor or central processing unit). It is made of a semiconductor material and is placed on the motherboard of the computer. A processor is that electronic integrated circuit of a computer that performs the instruction set of a computer program by performing arithmetic, logic, or data input / output operations, as specified by the program. It is the main element of a computer system. It controls the activities of the entire system in which it is integrated and processes the data provided by the user. Physically, it comes in the form of a hybrid electronic integrated circuit, which has, in addition to the processor itself, a series of active and passive circuit components. The processor is usually very complex and can hold millions of transistors.

Original Description: Conform descrierii solicitantului si a fotografiei publicate in baza de date, produsul reprezinta un procesor de calculator (cunoscut si ca microprocesor sau unitate centrala de procesare). Este fabricat dintr-un material semiconductor si este plasat pe placa de bază a calculatorului (motherboard).Procesorul este acel circuit electronic integrat al computerului care indeplineste setul de instructiuni al unui program de calculator prin executarea unor operatii aritmetice, logice sau de intrare /iesire de date, acum cum sunt specificate de program. Este elementul principal al unui sistem de calcul. El controlează activitățile întregului sistem în care este integrat și prelucreaza datele furnizate de utilizator. Fizic se prezintă sub forma unui circuit electronic integrat de tip hibrid, care prezintă, pe langa procesorul propriu-zis, o serie de componente active si pasive de circuit.Procesorul este de obicei foarte complex, putând ajunge să conțină de milioane de tranzistoare.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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