EU Binding Tariff Information
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Issuing Country : SLOVENIA
Date Of Issue : 03.May.2019 - 02.May.2022
ointment, used to protect the skin from scabs, abrasions and inflammations caused by moisture, rubbing and friction, because it keeps the skin dry and creates a smooth layer on the skin that prevents it
Description auto translated : Ointment, used to protect the skin from scabs, abrasions and inflammations caused by moisture, rubbing and friction, because it keeps the skin dry and creates a smooth layer on the skin that prevents it. The ointment does not prevent sweating and allows the skin to breathe and sweat. The ointment is waterproof, resistant to friction and heat and suitable for long-term use. It does not grease and leaves no stains, it does not rub out of the skin for sweating, it does not melt, it is easy to wash with soap and water. Ointment can be applied to any part of the body. The product contains dimethicone, tocopherol (vitamin E) and aloe vera extract. The product is packaged as "roll-on" and ready for retail sale.
Original Description: Mazilo, ki se uporablja za zaščito kože pred žulji, odrgninami in vnetji, ki nastanejo zaradi vlage, drgnjenja in trenja, saj ohranja kožo suho in ustvari gladko plast na koži, ki to preprečuje. Mazilo ne preprečuje potenja in dopušča koži, da diha in se znoji.Mazilo je vodoodporno, odporno na trenje in vročino in primerno za dolgotrajno uporabo. Ni mastno in ne pušča madežev, se ne zdrgne s kože zaradi potenja, se ne topi, enostavno se spere z milom in vodo. Mazilo se lahko nanese na katerikoli del telesa.Izdelek vsebuje dimetikon, tokoferol (vitamin E) in ekstrakt aloje vere.Izdelek je pakiran kot »roll-on« in pripravljen za prodajo na drobno.
Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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