EU Binding Tariff Information
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Date Of Issue : 27.Sep.2010 - 26.Sep.2016
Metal detector in a tunnel-shaped design with an integrated high-frequency coil for generating a magnetic field, Control Unit, LED display and control buttons in a metal housing - for integration into an existing conveying system (e.g. conveyor belt, vibrating feeder). It detects metallic objects by recognizing a change in the magnetic field near these metal objects.
Description auto translated : Metal detector - detector in tunnel construction with integrated high-frequency coil for generating a magnetic field, a control unit, LED display and control keys in a metal housing - for building integration into an existing conveyor system (such as material chute, conveyor, vibrating conveyor). - To detect metallic objects by detecting a change in magnetic field in the vicinity of these metal objects. "Electrical equipment with its own functions in Chapter 85, not elsewhere specified or included - metal detector"
Original Description: Metalldetektor, - Detektor in Tunnel-Bauform mit integrierter Hochfrequenzspule zur Erzeugung eines magnetischen Feldes, Control Unit, LED-Display und Bedientasten in einem Metall-Gehäuse - zur baulichen Integration in ein vorhandenes Fördersystem (wie z.B. Materialrutsche, Förderband, Vibrationsförderer). - zum Detektieren von metallischen Gegenständen durch Erkennen eines veränderten magnetischen Feldes in der Nähe dieser Metallgegenstände. "Elektrisches Gerät mit eigener Funktion, in Kapitel 85 anderweit weder genannt noch inbegriffen - Metalldetektor"
Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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