EU Binding Tariff Information
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Issuing Country : CZECH REPUBLIC
Date Of Issue : 03.Mar.2022 - 02.Mar.2025
these are interchangeable drilling tools - punching bits made of carbon steel with a diamond layer on the upper (working) part of the crown, which are designed for mounting (thread m14) on the head of an angle grinder, designed for dry drilling into stone, paving , tiles, granite, marble and other hard materials
Description auto translated : According to the declared data, these are interchangeable drilling tools - punching bits made of carbon steel with a diamond layer on the upper (working) part of the crown, which are designed for mounting (thread M14) on the head of an angle grinder, designed for dry drilling into stone, paving , tiles, granite, marble and other hard materials.
Original Description: Dle deklarovaných údajů se jedná o vyměnitelné nástroje na vrtání - vykružovací korunky vyrobené z uhlíkové oceli s diamantovou vrstvou na horní (pracovní) části korunky, které jsou konstruovány k upevnění (závit M14) na hlavu úhlové brusky, určené pro suché vrtání do kamene, dlažby, obkladů, žuly, mramoru a jiných tvrdých materiálů.
Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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