US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Ruling Number :
Issuing Country : UNITED STATES
Date Of Issue : 2006-10-24T00:00:00
Hydroxocobalamin Acetate (CAS-22465-48-1), imported in bulk form
The tariff classification of Hydroxocobalamin Acetate (CAS-22465-48-1), imported in bulk form, from Spain. The subject product, Hydroxocobalamin Acetate (aka “Acetatocobalamin”), which you refer to as “Hydroxocobalamine Acetate,” is the acetate salt of Hydroxocobalamin (CAS-13422-51-0), which is prepared from Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) . Hxdroxocobalamin Acetate is indicated for use as a vitamin.
Description : Hydroxocobalamin Acetate (CAS-22465-48-1), imported in bulk form
Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related US Ruling (Cross) is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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