US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Ruling Number :
Issuing Country : UNITED STATES
Date Of Issue : 2008-12-19T00:00:00
Endorse WP (Wettable Powder) and Endorse WDG (dry flowable) in bulk form
Endorse WP (Wettable Powder) and Endorse WDG (dry flowable) in bulk form. The first product, Endorse WP in wettable powder form is a prepared fungicide, containing (by weight) 2.5% polyoxin D zinc salt (CAS-146659-78-1) as the active ingredient. It is indicated for use on turf, ornamentals and non-food ginseng. The second product, Endorse WDG in water dispersible granules is a prepared fungicide, containing (by weight) 11.3% polyoxin D Zinc salt (CAS-146659-78-1) as the active ingredient. It is indicated for use on turf and ornamentals.
Description : Endorse WP (Wettable Powder) and Endorse WDG (dry flowable) in bulk form
Please importantly note that only the relevant portion of the related US Ruling (Cross) is displayed above. You may refer to the said customs ruling for the entire ruling explanation.
Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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