HS Code for charging station for vehicles powered by electric motors

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charging station for vehicles powered by electric motors

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EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : POLAND

Date Of Issue : 18.May.2011 - 17.May.2017

Charging station for vehicles powered by electric motors, consisting of electricity meter, GPRS modem, circuit-breaker, socket, fuse, relay, magnetic card reader, LCD, and PCB printed circuit boards, enabling comprehensive control of electricity supply and wireless monitoring of energy consumption

Description auto translated : Charging station for vehicles powered by electric motors. The device has no current converters, which means that the vehicle connector is fed directly with a voltage of AC 230 V. The device consists of the following, the basic elements: electricity meter, GPRS, circuit-breaker, socket, fuse, relay, magnetic card reader, LCD, PCB printed circuit boards and other equipment. The principal function of the charging station is a comprehensive control of electricity supply. With a built numerator of electricity and GPRS modem, the device provides wireless monitoring of energy consumption and the possibility of settlement of this consumption. Client station has the authorization key RFID, so that the activation energy in the power socket appears only after identifying an authorized user. Technical parameters: 230 V / AC current below 150 A, size 700 x 300 x 200 mm, weight 8 kg, operating temperature from - 30 ° C to + 50 ° C.

Original Description: Stacja do ładowania pojazdów napędzanych silnikami elektrycznymi. Urządzenie nie posiada przekształtników prądowych, co oznacza, że na złącze pojazdu podawany jest bezpośrednio prąd zmienny o napięciu 230 V. W skład urządzenia wchodzą następujące, podstawowe elementy: licznik energii elektrycznej, modem GPRS, wyłącznik różnicowo-prądowy, gniazdo, bezpiecznik, przekaźnik, czytnik kart magnetycznych, wyświetlacz LCD, płytki drukowane PCB oraz inne wyposażenie. Zasadniczą funkcją stacji ładowania jest kompleksowa kontrola dostaw energii elektrycznej. Dzięki wbudowanemu licznikowi energii elektrycznej i modemowi GPRS, urządzenie zapewnia bezprzewodowy monitoring zużycia energii i możliwość rozliczenia tego zużycia. Klient stacji posiada klucz autoryzacji RFID, dzięki czemu aktywacja energii w gniazdku zasilającym pojawia się dopiero po zidentyfikowaniu autoryzowanego użytkownika. Parametry techniczne: napięcie 230 V/AC, prąd poniżej 150 A, wymiary 700 x 300 x 200 mm, masa 8 kg, temperatura pracy od - 30°C do + 50°C.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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EU Binding Tariff Information

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country : ITALY

Date Of Issue : 23.Feb.2022 - 22.Feb.2025

charging station for electric / hybrid vehicles (BEV or PHEV), consisting of a triangular base with multiple Type 2 or Type 3A charging sockets, LCD display, RFID reader, wireless communication module, protection modules, and led lights, with an aluminum and plastic external chassis and adjustable custom decals/ colors.

Description auto translated : Charging station for electric / hybrid vehicles (BEV or PHEV). For a party declaration, the article is presented as a triangular base, consisting of 2 or more "Type 2" or "Type 3A" charging sockets, LCD display, RFID reader, wireless communication module to interface with the control center, protection modules according to applicable regulations, led lights. The external chassis is in aluminum and plastic and can have different custom decals / colors depending on the request. The charging station works with both single-phase and three-phase alternating current in input, and outputs a maximum alternating current of 32A for each socket, resulting in a maximum output power for each socket equal to 7, 4kW if powered single-phase or 22kW if powered in three-phase. The product is manufactured by assembling the electrical, electro-mechanical and internal electronic components on the three aluminum panels which are then mounted on the base to form the final triangular base structure. Dimensions: 133x35x37 cm.

Original Description: Stazione di ricarica per veicoli elettrico/ibridi (BEV or PHEV). Per dichiarazione di parte, l'articolo si presenta come una colonnina a base triangolare, costituito da 2 o più prese di ricarica "Type 2" o "Type 3A", display LCD, lettore RFID, modulo di comunicazione senza fili per interfacciarsi con il centro di controllo, moduli di protezione secondo le normative applicabili, luci a led. Lo chassis esterno è in alluminio e plastica e può presentare diverse decalcomanie/colorazioni personalizzate a seconda della richiesta.La stazione di ricarica funziona con corrente alternata sia monofase che trifase in input, e restituisce in output una corrente alternata massima di 32A per ogni presa, risultante in una potenza di uscita massima per ogni presa pari a 7,4kW se alimentata monofase o 22kW se alimentata in trifase.Il prodotto è fabbricato mediante assemblaggio della componentistica elettrica, elettro-meccanica ed elettronica interna sui tre pannelli in alluminio che poi vengono montati sulla base a formare la struttura a base triangolare finale. Dimensioni: 133x35x37 cm.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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US Customs Ruling (CROSS)

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
HTS Code :

Ruling Number :

Issuing Country : UNITED STATES

Date Of Issue : 2020-08-12T00:00:00

EVBox Iqon, electric vehicle charging station

The merchandise under consideration is identified as the EVBox Iqon, which is described as an electric vehicle charging station consisting of an outdoor enclosure, insulated electrical cables with charging connectors, internal control electronics, a user display interface, and a metering system. Internally, the EVBox Iqon is equipped with numerous DIN rail mounted electrical apparatus, such as terminal blocks, relays, and contacts. Also incorporated into the charging station are multiple printed circuit board assemblies that control the distribution of electricity to one or more vehicles, supply network communications to a host system, communicate with the vehicle being charged, and control of the user interface. Lastly, the EVBox Iqon has an integrated electrical protection feature that is identified as the Charging Circuit Interruption Device, which detects and halts vehicle charging functions when electrical faults are present.

Description : electric vehicle charging station

Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Image(s) shown above is/are not part of the related US Customs Ruling (CROSS) and placed by FindHS.codes for further clarification.

US Customs Ruling (CROSS)

Dünya Gümrük ÖrgütüHS Code :
HTS Code :

Ruling Number :

Issuing Country : UNITED STATES

Date Of Issue : 2022-07-26T00:00:00

ChargeBox, electric vehicle (EV) charging station

The tariff classification of the ChargeBox from Germany. The merchandise under consideration is identified as the ChargeBox, which is described as an electric vehicle (EV) charging station consisting of an enclosure containing lithium-ion batteries and electrical conversion circuitry, and two remotely located charging dispensers. Internally, the ChargeBox takes mains AC electricity and converts it to DC electricity for the purpose of charging the enclosed batteries while also supplying DC voltage to the dispensers to charge connected EVs. Each dispenser, which you state can be located up to 200 meters from the ChargeBox enclosure, has a touchscreen control interface, RFID interface, an AC/DC converter, a DC/AC converter, and various control and communication circuitry. The maximum output of the ChargeBox is 320 kW.

Description : ChargeBox

Source : US Customs Ruling (CROSS)
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Image(s) shown above is/are not part of the related US Customs Ruling (CROSS) and placed by FindHS.codes for further clarification.

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