HS Code for antennas and antenna reflectors for phones or telecommunication equipments

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antennas and antenna reflectors for phones or telecommunication equipments

Sample products for "antennas and antenna reflectors for phones or telecommunication equipments"

EU Binding Tariff Information

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Issuing Country :   POLAND

Date Of Issue : 04.Mar.2022 - 03.Mar.2025

gsm antenna designed for mobile phones, equipped with a cable terminated with an sma m connector

Description auto translated : GSM antenna designed for mobile phones, equipped with a cable terminated with an SMA M connector. Frequency range: 900 MHz -1800 MHz.

Original Description: Antena GSM przeznaczona do telefonów komórkowych, wyposażona w kabel zakończony złączem SMA M. Zakres częstotliwości: 900 MHz -1800 MHz.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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EU Binding Tariff Information

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Issuing Country :   SLOVAKIA

Date Of Issue : 01.Mar.2022 - 28.Feb.2025

array sector panel-shaped dual-polarization antenna

Description auto translated : Array Sector panel-shaped dual-polarization antenna. It serves as a receiver (transmitter) in a wireless network. It works in the free band with a gain of 14 decibels and a beam angle of 80 °. Antenna parts: the antenna body is made of aluminum and stainless steel with a built-in Backshield system (backshield is a system of frequency reflectors built into the antenna structure designed to mitigate side lobes and back radiation), radiating elements are on the printed circuit board directly inside the antenna and determine gain antenna and the frequency band in which the antenna works, the holder allows you to mount the antenna on a mast and change the position of the antenna, a number of covers protecting the inside of the antenna from the weather. SMA connectors allow the antenna to be connected. The antenna is packed in a separate protective carton with a print.

Original Description: Sektorová dualpolarizačná anténa Array Sector panelového tvaru. Slúži ako prijímač (vysielač) v bezdrôtovej sieti. Funguje vo voľnom pásme so ziskom 14 decibelov a vyžarovacím uhlom 80°.Časti antény:telo antény je vyrobené z hliníka a nehrdzavejúcej ocele so zabudovaným systémom Backshield (backshield je systém frekvenčných reflektorov zabudovaných do štruktúry antény určený na zmiernenie postranných lalokov a spätného žiarenia), vyžarovacie prvky sú na doske plošného spoja priamo vo vnútri antény a určujú zisk antény a frekvečné pásmo, v ktorom anténa funguje, držiak umožňuje upevnenie antény na stožiar a zmenu polohy antény, radom je kryt chrániaci vnútro antény pred vplyvmi počasia. SMA konektory umožňujú prepojenie antény.Anténa je balená v samostatnom ochrannom kartóne s potlačou.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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EU Binding Tariff Information

HS Code :
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BTI Reference :

Issuing Country :   SLOVAKIA

Date Of Issue : 01.Mar.2022 - 28.Feb.2025

the directional parabolic antenna is designed to transmit a wi-fi signal in the free 5 ghz band

Description auto translated : The directional parabolic antenna is designed to transmit a Wi-Fi signal in the free 5 GHz band. The antenna itself consists of a parabola, a waveguide and a sub-reflector, which are used to transmit and shape the signal. They are produced in several sizes. The size of the dish affects the signal strength. A larger diameter dish allows you to connect points over a greater distance. The signal passes through the dish in both directions. It becomes an active element only after the connection with the radio device. The antenna is supplied with a metal holder. The antennas are packed in a protective print box.

Original Description: Smerová parabolická anténa je určená na prenos Wi-Fi signálu vo voľnom 5 GHz pásme. Samotná anténa pozostáva z paraboly, vlnovodu a subreflektora, ktoré slúžia na prenos a formovanie signálu. Vyrábajú sa vo viacerých veľkostiach. Veľkosť paraboly ovplyvňuje silu signálu. Parabola s väčším priemerom umožňuje prepojenie bodov na väčšiu vzdialenosť. Parabolou prechádza signál oboma smermi. Aktívnym prvkom sa stane až po spojení s rádiovým zariadením. Anténa sa dodáva spolu s kovovým držiakom. Antény sú balené v ochrannom kartóne s potlačou.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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EU Binding Tariff Information

HS Code :
   CN Code :

BTI Reference :

Issuing Country :   SLOVAKIA

Date Of Issue : 01.Mar.2022 - 28.Feb.2025

directional satellite dishes are designed to transmit wi-fi signal in the free 5 ghz band

Description auto translated : Directional satellite dishes are designed to transmit Wi-Fi signal in the free 5 GHz band. The antenna itself consists of a parabola, a waveguide and a sub-reflector, which are used to transmit and shape the signal. They are produced in several sizes. The size of the dish affects the signal strength (21 dB - 24 dB - 27 dB). A larger diameter dish allows you to connect points over a greater distance. The signal passes through the dish in both directions. It becomes an active element only after the connection with the radio device. The antenna is supplied with a metal holder. The antennas are packed in a protective cardboard with printing.

Original Description: Smerové parabolické antény sú určené na prenos Wi-Fi signálu vo voľnom 5 GHz pásme. Samotná anténa pozostáva z paraboly, vlnovodu a subreflektora, ktoré slúžia na prenos a formovanie signálu. Vyrábajú sa vo viacerých veľkostiach. Veľkosť paraboly ovplyvňuje silu signálu (21 dB - 24 dB - 27 dB). Parabola s väčším priemerom umožňuje prepojenie bodov na väčšiu vzdialenosť. Parabolou prechádza signál oboma smermi. Aktívnym prvkom sa stane až po spojení s rádiovým zariadením. Anténa sa dodáva spolu s kovovým držiakom. Antény sú balené v ochrannom kartóne s potlačou.

Source : EU Binding Tariff Information
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