Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Results for :"isotope of carbon and its compounds"
isotope of carbon and its compounds
isotope of carbon and its compounds
  • Other (isotopes, except those of hdg 2844; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined, (not elsewhere specified or included))

All the results generated by the FindHS AI for the "isotope of carbon and its compounds"

  • 2845.90 
    O-18 enriched water, a compound of the O...
  • Multiple Codes
    isotopes of lithium and their compounds
  • 2845.90 
    Ammonium chloride enriched with the stab...
  • 2844 
    Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes
  • 2845.90 
    O-17 enriched water, a stable isotope of...
  • 2845.90 
    boric acid, enriched with B-10 isotope, white solid substance, more than 95% enrichment
  • 2845.90 
    a chemical compound of the N-15 isotope,...
  • 2845.90 
    Ammoniumsulfat mit mindestens 98% N-15, ...
  • 2920.90.10.40 
    Dimethyl carbonate (CAS RN 616-38-6)
  • Dünya Gümrük Örgütü2844.43 
    Radioactive carbon
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