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Results for :"LED glitter lamps"

An article predominantly made of plastics, having the shape of a pointed cylinder (so-called ‘LED glitter lamp’), approximately 17 cm high. The article tapers to a point at the top, with a broader base, and has a transparent plastic middle section. The middle section is decorated inside with a stylised figure of a girl and is filled with a transparent fluid which has glitter particles suspended in it.
The base contains several battery-powered light-emitting diodes (LEDs). When the article is shaken, the middle section glows gently in different colours. The light is only emitted briefly, for about one minute, after shaking.

source: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/eur/2016/283/annexes/adopted/data.xht?v...

LED glitter lamps
product's material or nature
  • made of plastic material
  • made of glass
See also
  • decorative or ornamental articles
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